Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Configuring Google Chrome Proxy

It should be as easy as going through the Chrome Settings->Network (Change Proxy settings..)

But if for any reason you are not able to access this page in Linux.
"When running Google Chrome under a supported desktop environment, the system proxy settings will be used. However, either your system is not supported or there was a problem launching your system configuration."

We can use a workaround by editing the desktop configuration file (assuming you are using GNOME desktop environment).

1. Open the google-chrome.desktop file:

sudo vim /usr/share/applications/google-chrome.desktop

2. And add the proxy you want to use next to the exec value:
e.g: --proxy-server="" (Philippines proxy server)

3. Save the changes and restart the browser
Verify you are navigating under the configured proxy.

You can use any page to scan and show you what is your current IP address.
e.g. http://ipaddress.com/

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Hide vertical line from Atom editor

You may first want to know why this is supposed to be there.

The wrap-guide package places a vertical line in each editor at a certain column to guide your formatting, so lines do not exceed a certain width.

But In case you prefer just have it hidden, you can simple do it in different ways:

Editing Preferences:
1. Go to Edit->Preferences->Packages
2. Search for the 'wrap-guide' package and disable it

Editing the Stylesheet:
1. Go to Edit->Stylesheet..
2. Here you personalize the styles as desired:
2.1 To just hide it:

atom-text-editor::shadow .wrap-guide {  
  visibility: hidden;

2.2. To play a little bit with other properties:

atom-text-editor::shadow .wrap-guide {
  width: 10px;
  opacity: .3; //barely visible
  background-color: red; //test purpose