Let's say you have a corporate account associated to your private organization projects (repositories), but also have your personal account to work in two different workstations.
When you try to use a repository which do not use your "default" ssh key, you will get a message like:
even if you already added a second key for it.
What happens is that, since we are working with the same service/domain (bitbucket), only one key will be used for project referring that hostname.
So, in order to work with different projects from different accounts, we could setup an "alias" in a configuration file into our ssh folder:
# ~/.ssh/config Host bitbucket.org Hostname bitbucket.org PreferredAuthentications publickey IdentityFile ~/.ssh/<keyname> Host <domain-alias> Hostname bitbucket.org PreferredAuthentications publickey IdentityFile ~/.ssh/<keyname>
and use it into your git configuration:
# <repo-path>/.git/config [remote "origin"] url = git@<domain-alias>:<username>/<projectname>.git fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
In this way you should be able to work projects of different accounts hosted in the same service.
Written in collaboration with John Benavides.